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Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Travel and Tourism Introduction

Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Travel and Tourism Introduction


The Travel Agent’S Nightmare

Question 1.

Two couples, Mr. and Mrs. apple and Mr. and Mrs. Banana, are going on individual vacations. One person wants to fly on Kathmandu, one to London, one to Frankfurt, and one to Hong kong.

Of these four, only two can fly on a weekend.

One of those two is going to London.

One woman wants to fly to Hong kong on a weekend. Her husband wants to go to Kathmandu. Mrs. Banana must leave on a weekday.

1. Where does Mrs. Banana want to go ?

(a) Kathmandu
(b) London
(c) Frankfurt
(d) Hongkong

2. Where and when does Mr. Banana want to go ?

(a) to London on a weekend
(b) to Kathmandu on a weekend
(c) to Frankfurt on a weekend
(d) to Hong Kong on a weekday
(e) to London on a weekday

3. Who wants to fly to Kathmandu ?

(a) Mrs. Banana
(b) Mr. Banana
(c) Mrs. Apple
(d) Mr. Apple


  1. → (c)
  2. → (o)
  3. → (d)

Note :

  1. Mr. Apple wants to fly to Kathmandu on a weekday.
  2. Mr. Banana wants to fly to London on a weekend.
  3. Mrs. Banana wants to go to Frankfurt on a weekday.

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